HeLa Guardian Node Delegation

Guardian Node NFT holders can delegate their NFTs to any operational node within the HeLa network. This mechanism allows users to participate in the network and earn rewards without the need to operate a physical node.

Delegation Process

  1. Access Node Management Page: Navigate to the Guardian Node section of the Hela platform and connect your wallet.

  2. View NFT List: A list of all NFT tokens owned by your wallet will be displayed, including their current delegation status.

  3. Select NFT for Delegation: Choose the NFT you wish to delegate from the list.

  4. Choose Delegate Node: A list of available nodes and their corresponding commission fees will be presented.

  5. Confirm Delegation: Select the desired node and confirm the delegation process.

Once the delegation is complete, the NFT will start generating rewards, which will be shared between the NFT holder and the delegated node operator based on the agreed-upon commission rate.

Node Operator Commissions

Node operators can set a commission fee for delegated NFTs. This fee represents a percentage of the rewards earned by the delegated NFT. Users can compare commission rates across different nodes and select the most suitable option.


To maximize rewards, users can choose to operate their own Guardian Node. By installing and running the required software, users can list their node on the network and accept delegations from other NFT holders. Self-operated nodes have the potential to earn the full reward without sharing it with a node operator.

Note: The specific delegation mechanics, including fee structures, reward distribution, and security measures, will be outlined in detail in the platform's technical documentation.

Last updated